When i decided to revive my blog i never anticipated the positive feedback i would receive. I had no plan, all i knew was that i was doing what i loved and it felt good. I wanted to share my thoughts, i wanted to tell stories, shed some love and light. I don't force anything, everything just comes to me, ideas flow and sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and write notes in my phone. Sometimes i will be having a busy day at work and there will be so many thoughts running through my head i will hide in the toilet for 5 minutes to write it all down (don't tell my boss). There are days when i have plenty of free time and i want to write something and i will struggle for hours, then i remind myself that this is my journey , own pace , own target.

It would only be fitting to start off our business feature with the following quote by Maya Angelou ; " You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don't make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off of you."
This quote resonates with Mr.George Ringani(26), who managed to turn his passion into his livelihood. I remember back in high school when he used to draw cartoons, I've always thought of him as a nerd but little did i know what a creative genius he was. Graphic designer, a Fashion designer of note, he is on his way up.

In a short interview with George the owner of UNQ apparel this is what he had to say.....
Why the fashion industry?
I found myself drawn to it, it wasn’t something I planned for or always wanted to do interestingly enough. I first began doing graphic design, which was cool at first but never gave me that much needed satisfaction that fashion does. Funny enough, I can say I was intimidated at first when I started my fashion label but as I went along I felt (and still do) this burst of energy that comes with it that gives me a high I don’t wish to come down from. It’s a part of me and a form of art I strongly defend when pressed against the wall. It’s an industry typically identified with females, true, but I will proudly be open in saying, I enjoy creating ladies wear more than I do creating menswear. I personally find ladies wear more versatile and fun to work with, and it makes perfecty sense as to why women dominate the industry more than guys do.
How long have you been operating?
The label along with its mother company have been in inception for almost 3 years now. The mother company being, the UNQ Group (Pty) Ltd and the label UNQ with its sister label aimed at the feminine market, Streetchic.

I hope to achieve
4 things mainly: Recognition, building a strong pool of talent, changing and killing off the negative perception the industry is getting and giving back all my knowledge and skills to those that yearn to do what I do.
What being a young African entrepreneur means to me
It makes me proud, not only that but fuels me with a burning desire to show off my skills to the rest of the world as to what Africa and young Africans are capable of, including within the fashion industry.
Myself in 3 words
What I have to offer? What makes me different?
I’m currently a one-man-army, doing the designing, photography and marketing of the brand. I partnered up with a seamstress to help me cut and sew my designs and I have a few people on call for help in modelling my creations. The label’s DNA is all about Self-expression and individuality, the uniqueness that lies within an individual, hence UNQ which is short for Unique.
I think what has drawn me to UNQ is the fictional character "streetchic girl". A young woman of character and style, her life's journey is documented through social media accounts such as Instagram. She goes through the everyday struggles of life , women from all walks of life can relate to her. She is a sister, a daughter and that crazy friend we all have. She is in all of us. Streetchic makes the brand so relatable and Unique (no pun intended).

We wrapped up the interview with a little bit more about UNQ's "IT" girl Streetchic
How did you come up with the concept "Streetchic "
I’m always drawn to sophisticated women. Women who know how to control the heel. Women who stand their own ground, who have the world “bow down” to their un-uttered commands. That’s the woman who inspired the whole essence of Streetchic to be born. But I’m not talking about some fictional woman here but the woman you see in the street, the woman you see at the office or at the mall, that’s a woman that has the word “streetchic” just roll down my tongue. But not only is it aimed at women but also the feminine guy. I am planning to create a Streetchic line aimed at guys, or rather the guy with a feminine touch to his style. The soul and essence of the Streetchic line conveys feminism with edge. This also shows in the clothing designs, not just the light stuff but also the medium and heavy-weight, blending all the elements together to bridge the debate on equality.

Who is Streetchic girl?
She’s the epitome of chic (Stylish). She’s the woman I best described what being Streetchic is all about. She’s open minded, fun, bubbly, and can be easily mistaken as “crazy” if you spend the rest of your day with her. Other than her love for fashion, she loves life, travelling, nature and people. She has strong views on life, an advocate for feminism, health and wellbeing, youth development, and something you can never separate from her, her love for Coffee. I won’t lie in saying this individual goes through what all girls go through but I get to understand, with the hope of opening other guys minds, what most girls go through as she goes along in life. It sounds crazy, but as much as I give and breathe life in this girl on a daily basis, I get to learn a lot about her in return, which allows me to gain some understanding on certain issues women go through. There’s a complete death of ME as George when I’m her, if I can put it like that.

Mister UNQ handles himself in such a professional manner, he takes himself seriously and that is evident in his work. He sends neat detailed emails, I had to sit up straight while reading them, for a second i thought he had his own personal PA. I've thoroughly enjoyed this interview and I hope you've been inspired by his Journey. From Atteridgville to the runway and then to the world; It is only a matter of time.

86 Khoza Street
Atteridgeville, Pretoria
083 328 5980 (Cell/Whatsapp)
(012) 373 5016 (landline)
Email: Georgeringani@gmail.com / Unqgroup@gmail.com
Atteridgeville, Pretoria
083 328 5980 (Cell/Whatsapp)
(012) 373 5016 (landline)
Email: Georgeringani@gmail.com / Unqgroup@gmail.com
Let's support local!!

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