Ma Khumalo:
"And the dinner smells good, no one can tell we don't have enough . A pinch of rajah spices on these vegetables and it smells like beef curry stew . I haven't tasted meat for 10 months now, the kids have no idea that we are broke. Drowning in debt. I told them their father was diagnosed with some foreign disease. New vegetable diet for everyone. They must hate me. "
Ma Zondo:
"The stew next door smells so good. I'm tired of eating chicken. I know it's cheaper but it wouldn't kill my husband to bring home some beef stew once in a while . Ma Khumalo and her kids are feasting that side, mhmm smells good , no wonder they've all gained so much weight. I wish things were better."
Ma Khumalo and Ma Zondo, neighbors.
Moral of the story:
The grass is not always greener on the other side!!
Indeed its not if only we could all accept that sum ppl actualy have it worse dan us